Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yes, I Am Blonde, How Could You Tell?

Sometimes, people really amuse me. Like today.

Me: Wow, you're kinda dumb, aren't you?

Jessica: No! I am not dumb, I just say a lot of stupid things.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Would You Like Some Fries With Your....Fries?

Ah, the never ending stupidity of customers...The one in question had just managed to painfully order a regular order of fries and some onion rings.

Customer: So, is that a combo?

McDuff: Well, no. You need to order a burger and a drink to make a combo out of what you've ordered.

Customer:.... Oh, well then, I'll have a cheeseburger with a soda, and onion rings.

McDuff: So, you want another order of onion rings?

Customer: No, I want onion rings.

(Unable to take customer's stupidity any longer, I decide to jump in)

Me: One order of onion rings, or two all together.

Customer(very rudely): Just one! And I want a large fries.

McDuff: So you want a large and a regular fries?

Customer: No! I want just the large fries, like I ordered.

McDuff(After customer has finally left the counter): Ugh, just go back to your mothership already.

When You're Done With That, Do It Again...

Random rambling just heard from McDuff: Well, I'm done that, so it means that I don't have to do it again...

Really, because who doesn't like doing things twice?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

And What If I Was The Queen?

Today's epic fail is brought to you by a customer, instead of one of the roommates. Epic stupidity can be found every where, after all. 

Customer: Hi, I'll have the bacon 'n' egger combo please.

Me: I'm sorry, we stop serving breakfast items after eleven.

Customer: But, I'm from Saskatchewan and we're an hour behind you, so I thought maybe I could still have breakfast.

Me: *blankstare* No, ma'am, I'm sorry. We stop serving  breakfast at eleven am local time.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sarcasm Is A Delicate Art

This convo took place between me and my therapist.

Him: Do you have a boyfriend?

Me: No, I have a cat.

Him: Oh, are you in love with your cat?

Me: Oh yes, very much so.

Him: Oh, that was meant to be a joke, you know.

Me: *FACEPALMS* Mhmmm...I realize that.